What if you could attract clients on social media without having to create content from scratch?


Watch this and let me explain! 



I created a content calendar for virtual assistants who want to have a successful businesses, a full client list, and steady revenue — without having to start from scratch, reading endless blogs, and gathering free useless resources.

The truth is: most virtual assistants never get their first client and start their dream business because they don't know where to start.
But it’s not your fault...I know how you feel. I was once looking for my first client too!

You Want Clients But Instead, You Have Followers and Not Clients

The reality is without clients, you’ll continue to struggle, and it’s not a lack of effort on your part…

  • You try to gather free resources and you get nowhere. 
  • You try doing it alone and end up feeling extremely lost. 
  • You try reading endless blogs and don't know how to turn around and actually take action.


If you don’t find clients soon — you end up having to put your dream of starting your own virtual assistant business to the side to support your family another way.

That’s why I created the content calendar for virtual assistants just like you, who want to attract their ideal clients on social 

media, and are tired of creating content that isn't converting.
And you’ll be relieved to know that everything that you get with this content calendar isn’t going to cost you $191!

A complete virtual assistant social media content calendar filled with 20 weeks of feed posts! It's perfect for virtual assistants who want successful businesses, a full client list, and steady revenue — who maybe don't have a lot of experience or have the time to come up with engaging content on their own.

That's over 130 daily posts!


You get 2 clients from one social post.

You double your income from a reel you post.
You increase your revenue to $5k months!
And before you know it, you gaining attention from the right people and booking more and more discovery calls each day!
  • Go from feeling lost and not knowing what to post on social media to having content planned for each day.
  • Take this content calendar and build out your social feed the way you want to.
  • Experience less frustration and feel stress-free when thinking about attracting clients.
  • Go from stressed and tired to only needing 10 minutes a week to schedule out your social media!


  • You tried reading endless blogs, gathering free useless resources, but had no luck because there was no direction.
  • You tried doing it alone but didn't know where to start.
  • You even tried learning from the experts but felt overwhelmed and lost money with expensive templates or courses.

I get it because I've been there...

  • I struggled with where to start on social media. Not knowing what to post.
  •  And I had no idea what kind of posts would attract clients.
  • Nothing worked...until I discovered how to attract clients without ever having to worry about what to post on social again!

There's Another Way...

Transformation Story

  • Once I figured out how to attract clients, my business changed forever.
  • was able to create engaging and informative content to attract my ideal customers.
  • want the same for you...
This content calendar, filled with 20 weeks of posts (130+ days), helps you attract your ideal clients by providing you with a social media content calendar that you can actually use! It's unlike any other content calendar because its carefully crated content is specifically created for virtual assistants. 

What's Included

Social Media Feed Posts

20 weeks of social media feed posts to use on your social media channels.

  • Just grab the copy and paste it into your channel. Some posts ask for you to pick something more specific but most are pre-written so it's just copy and paste!



Value $107

Groups of carefully curated hashtags to use for any social media post.

Holiday Posts!

Value $37

A list of holidays so you can create a customized holiday post.

Days of the Month Posts!

Value $47

List of days of the month so you can create a special post for "National Puzzle Day"!

Total Value: $191

Special Offer Today: $27


Why Should You Trust Me?

I don't just teach Social Media Management & Virtual Assistant Training; I actually do it. I use this EXACT content calendar myself to achieve results. I am NOT just repeating what every other expert says.

I'm not JUST a Social Media Manager, I've been working in the Virtual Assistant business for 6 years and I've been helping entrepreneurs grow their online businesses and stay consistent on social media for 5 years.. I GET IT.

I've helped other virtual assistants attract clients without spending hours creating engaging content for their social media channels. I can help YOU TOO!

I'm also an entrepreneur and believe in hard work, having fun, and growing a successful business!

And I can help you do the same.

This is Right For You If You Are...

  • Ready to stop sitting in front of the computer stressing about content.
  • Willing to make an investment in a calendar that will ACTUALLY provide you with engaging content to attract your ideal client.
  • Ready to STOP reading blogs or asking questions in groups and actually gain clients!

Not right for you if you are…

  • Not prepared to allow someone that has seen success to help you out.
  • Tied to doing it alone, even though it makes you feel stressed and drained.
  • Unwilling to take the appropriate steps to actually be successful.

When you click the "YES! I WANT THE CONTENT CALENDAR NOW" button below, you’ll be brought to a checkout page where you can enter your payment information.


This is a special offer and will be going up in price soon. You don’t want to miss this opportunity.